Tagebuch: May 2007
May 01, 2007
Dear Diary,
Got another call from Citicard on my daughter’s account. I called back this morning and this time was lucky in two ways, the woman on the line was very pleasant, and I remembered the answer to the secret question, so she was able to talk to me.
On Apr. 14, two airline tickets were booked for $561. Since she doesn’t use that account much, these were considered large transactions. Also since they were booked on Emirate Airlines through an office in Hamburg, Citicard was very suspicious.
They did pay them, they assured me, but felt they should report them as questionable transactions.
I said I thought Emirate Airlines was strange, because she usually flies Austrian, but I knew she was buying tickets at that time, and I figured she wouldn’t be as bothered by an Arab airline as we are over here.
So all was well and the card would not be cancelled, but I told my daughter she should probably consider keeping them on her Christmas card list a little longer, just to be safe.
-- A loyal American