Vienna Poems
Feb 01, 2010
A return to Vienna
A return to Vienna,
Meant a return of so many
Ghosts, of the people
Of my heart, with whom I
Had danced, on, and
Off, the stages of the city,
With reprieves of dreams
And pleasures, in the green
Of the country sides,
Under the shadows of mountain
Inns, and in the fields
Of harvest, under the heat of
The passionate blankets of
Sunflowers, surrounded by the
Perfume of the silent
Clover, lying on warm mattresses
Of the newly cut hay.
My seat in the Vienna Concert Hall
My seat in the Vienna Concert Hall,
Was way up, in the very back row,
In the clouds of an Austrian heaven,
And my searching eyes could see
No apparent faces, but only the backs
Of individual heads, with a variety
Of shapes, and sizes, and some with
Shiny mirrors of baldness, framed
With different ears of hanging flaps,
With human antennas, directing the
Swivels of their heads, and necks,
Looking like frozen flags, waving in
All directions, conducted by the
Rhythms, and whims of their curiosity.
My father breathed
his music
My father breathed his music,
From his old violin,
But, not with his own hands,
Rather in the arms of
A young musician, who played
Some Irish melodies,
From within his Jewish heart,
And soul, with his dark
Hair combining his offerings
With the memories of my
Father, and his own black hair,
And the music burned new
Tears into my blood of warm
Remembrances, that stifled
My breathing into creating my
Own blood of dark incense.
Music creates daydreams
Music creates daydreams,
Without asking,
Like a supreme arm of God,
Directing a lasting
Sedative, through the evening,
Leading to a fasting
Of a Catholic Lenten suffering,
Into a hungry chastening.