Styrian oil made in Russia?
Austrian News Brief: Jul/Aug 2012
Jul 07, 2012
Austria’s southern province Styria, well known for its apples and pumpkins, is up against cheap imported "Steirisches Kürbiskernöl"– the dark-green and viscous pumpkin seed oil with its characteristic nutlike flavour – on sale in supermarkets and misleadingly labelled as being of local origin.
These were the conclusions of an investigation by the consumer organisation Verein für Konsumenteninformation (VKI), published in the recent issue of the Konsument magazine. It was the first time that the origin of the oil was tested. Of the 30 samples acquired in stores, 13 had been produced abroad, primarily in Russia and China. Therefore, the VKI calls for clear labelling of the origin of the pumkin seeds.
Among the affected products are some that carry the EU-label "Protected Designation of Origin" (PDO), which should guarantee that it was produced, processed and prepared in Styria using traditional know-how.