Ray Monk first public appearance in Vienna

Prize-winning biographer Ray Monk will make his first public appearance in Vienna on May 22 at Looshaus to discuss his worldwide bestseller “Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius.”

Vienna Review
May 17, 2013


Wittgenstein is considered the most influential philosopher of the 20th century and Prize-winning biographer Ray Monk will discuss the philosopher’s life-shaping studies at Cambridge University from 1911 to 1913. It was there that Wittgenstein began work on his definitive Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, which he finished writing as a soldier in the trenches of WWI.

Wittgenstein returned to Cambridge in 1929, where he became a "rock star" professor and embarked on further philosophical investigations.

Monk, who teaches at the University of Southampton, is considered a definitive biographer of great philosophers. His previous work includes a two-volumes book on Bertrand Russell and his 2012 piece, Inside the Centre: The life of J. Robert Oppenheimer.

Ray Monk’s talk will begin at 19:00 and the event will be accompanied by the music of Benjamin Britten, performed by cellist, Matthias Bartolomey.

The discussion is the second to last in the "Dem Ton ein Wort" (A Word on Sound) series of monthly talks and music at the Looshaus. At the final talk on 11 June, Gert Korentschung, the Kulturchef from Kurier will discuss "The Philharmonic Families: Craftsmanship and Culture as Family Tradition", accompanied by of the Vienna Philharmonic’s clarinetists Ernst, Daniel and Andreas Ottensamer.


Tickets: €18

For more information and reservations

E-mail: info@schweitzer-management.com

Tel: (01) 952 12 17