Filme von Santiago Álvarez

© Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V.

Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V.

Four short films by the great agitprop filmmaker: "Now" (1965), anti-racism lessons by means of newsreels and a song: "During the first wave of the Black Panther movement, Bob Williams invited me and played me the record "Now" by Lena Horne. I listened to it and thought: this is a film! I didn't want to invent it, I wanted to tell the song" (Álvarez). "Hasta la victoria siempre" (1967), a documentary poem based on Che Guevara's diary, a very personal and yet generally valid examination of the revolutionary. "L.B.J." (1968) presents Lyndon B. Johnson as the prototype of the "good American", but the home movies of happy family celebrations are combined with images that now connect the US president with the death of Martin Luther Kings and the two Kennedys. "79 primaveras" (1969), a necrologist at Hô Chí Minh.
Running time: 68 minutes
Directed by: Santiago Álvarez
Country/Year: CU/1965-1969