Café Gutruf

Café, Espresso
Milchgasse 1, 1010 Wien
© Gerhard Wasserbauer

Gerhard Wasserbauer

Legendary small pub from the time when going away was still unusual in Vienna, Qualtinger and many others sat here. Since the 70s, Bernhard Chung has been cooking Chinese and Viennese dishes here, e.g. letcho schnitzel, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers and pancakes. Coffee, beers, exclusively Austrian wines. Air conditioning. Dogs allowed on a leash.


Milchgasse 1, 1010 Wien

Opening hours

Jul to Aug Mon–Fri 12–22, Sat 12–16 (closed on Hol), Sep to Jun Mon–Sat 12–23 (closed on Hol)


air-conditioned, Take-away


01/533 95 62