Gasthof Herrnhaus

Restaurants, Taverns, Inns
Herrnhausplatz 1, 6230 Brixlegg
© Gasthof Herrnhaus

Gasthof Herrnhaus

Traditional Austrian and Tyrolean cuisine, international dishes, in addition to the standard and daily menu there is always a guesthouse menu, a gourmet menu and a vegetarian menu; Austrian, Italian and French wines. Dining room for 60, Alte Stube for 27, Erker and Zirmstube for 20, Grasegg Stube for 22 and Steub Stube for 15 people, newly designed bar area. Wine cellar. Guest garden. Guest rooms.


Herrnhausplatz 1, 6230 Brixlegg



Opening hours

Mon, Tue, Sat, Sun 11–14 and 17–21, Wed, Fri 17–21 (Küchenzeiten)


Garden, Guest Rooms, Dining on sundays


05337/622 23